3.1.5 Binning Calculations

The optional binning methodology [3] is adopted in BSIM-CMG.

For a given L L , NFIN NFIN , each model parameter PARAMi PARAM_i is calculated as a function of PARAM PARAM , a length dependent term LPARAM LPARAM , a number of fin per finger (NFIN NFIN ) dependent term NPARAM NPARAM , and a product L×NFIN L \times NFIN term, PPARAM PPARAM :

ΔL1=LINT+LL(L+DLBIN)LLN(3.72) \Delta L1 = LINT + \frac{LL}{(L + DLBIN)^{LLN}} \qquad (3.72)

Leff1=L+DLBIN2ΔL1(3.73) L_{eff1} = L + DLBIN - 2 \Delta L1 \qquad (3.73)

PARAMi=PARAM+1.0e6Leff1+DLBINLPARAM+1.0NFINNPARAM(3.74)+1.0e6NFIN(Leff1+DLBIN)PPARAM \begin{aligned} PARAM_i &= PARAM + \frac{1.0e-6}{L_{eff1} + DLBIN} \cdot LPARAM + \frac{1.0}{NFIN} \cdot NPARAM \qquad (3.74) \\ \\ &+ \frac{1.0e-6}{NFIN \cdot (L_{eff1} + DLBIN)} \cdot PPARAM \end{aligned}

For the list of binnable parameters, please refer to the complete parameter list at the end of this technical manual.


[3] Y. Cheng and C. Hu, MOSFET Modeling and BSIM3 User's Guide. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

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