3.15.3 Gate Electrode Resistance Model

The gate electrode resistance model can be switched on by setting RGATEMOD=1 RGATEMOD = 1 . This introduces an internal node "ge". The gate electrode resistor (Rgeltd R_{geltd} ) is placed between the external "g" node and the internal "ge" node.

The gate electrode resistance model takes into account the number of gate contacts, NGCON NGCON . NGCON=1 NGCON = 1 indicates single-sided contact; NGCON=2 NGCON = 2 indicates double-sided contact. Rgeltd R_{geltd} is given by

Rgeltd={RGEXT+RGFINNFIN/3NFfor NGCON=1RGEXT/2+RGFINNFIN/12NFfor NGCON=2(3.476) R_{geltd} = \begin{cases} \dfrac{RGEXT + RGFIN \cdot NFIN / 3}{NF} &\text{for } NGCON = 1 \\ \\ \dfrac{RGEXT / 2 + RGFIN \cdot NFIN / 12}{NF} &\text{for } NGCON = 2 \end{cases} \qquad (3.476)

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