3.15.3 Gate Electrode Resistance Model
The gate electrode resistance model can be switched on by setting RGATEMOD=1. This introduces an internal node "ge". The gate electrode resistor (Rgeltd) is placed between the external "g" node and the internal "ge" node.
The gate electrode resistance model takes into account the number of gate contacts, NGCON. NGCON=1 indicates single-sided contact; NGCON=2 indicates double-sided contact. Rgeltd is given by
Rgeltd=⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎧NFRGEXT+RGFIN⋅NFIN/3NFRGEXT/2+RGFIN⋅NFIN/12for NGCON=1for NGCON=2(3.476)