3.22.3 Thermal Noise Model (TNOIMOD TNOIMOD = 1)

While TNOIMOD=0 TNOIMOD = 0 is the same as before, TNOIMOD=1 TNOIMOD = 1 is the same as TNOIMOD=2 TNOIMOD = 2 in previous versions of BSIM-CMG (up to 109 beta2).

TNOIMOD=1 TNOIMOD = 1 is a correlated thermal noise model where both drain and gate noise are implemented as current sources in this thermal noise model. The correlation between two sources is independently controllable and can be tuned using RNOIC RNOIC parameter. The BSIM4 4.8 correlated model noise was adapted for use with a surface potential core.

Figure 12

Figure 12: TNOIMOD=1 TNOIMOD = 1 shows good physical behavior at high and low Vds V_{ds} from subthreshold to strong inversion regions.

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