8.1.1 Outputs with __INFO__ Enabled - Part 1

Outputs Units Description
WEFF WEFF m m Effective width (I-V).
LEFF LEFF m m Effective length (I-V).
WEFFCV WEFFCV m m Effective width (C-V).
LEFFCV LEFFCV m m Effective length (C-V).
IDS IDS A A Drain-to-source current.
IDEFF IDEFF A A Total current flowing out the drain.
ISEFF ISEFF A A Total current flowing out the source.
IGTOT IGTOT A A Total current flowing out the gate.
IDSGEN IDSGEN A A Generation/recombination current.
III III A A Impact ionization current.
IGS IGS A A Gate-to-source tunneling current.
IGD IGD A A Gate-to-drain tunneling current.
IGCS IGCS A A Source component of the gate-to-channel tunneling current.
IGCD IGCD A A Drain component of the gate-to-channel tunneling current.
IGBS IGBS A A Source component of the gate-to-body tunneling current.
IGBD IGBD A A Drain component of the gate-to-body tunneling current.
IGIDL IGIDL A A Gate-induced drain leakage.
IGISL IGISL A A Gate-induced source leakage.
IJSB IJSB A A Source-to-substrate current.
IJDB IJDB A A Drain-to-substrate current.
ISUB ISUB A A Total current flowing out the substrate.
BETA BETA A/V2 A/V^2 Drain current prefactor per fin per finger.
VTH VTH V V Analytic threshold voltage.
VDSSAT VDSSAT V V Drain-to-source saturation voltage.
VFB VFB V V Flatband voltage.
GM GM A/V A/V Ids/Vgs \partial I_{ds} / \partial V_{gs} .
GDS GDS A/V A/V Ids/Vds \partial I_{ds} / \partial V_{ds} .
GMBS GMBS A/V A/V Ids/Vbs \partial I_{ds} / \partial V_{bs} .
QGI QGI C C Intrinsic gate charge.
QDI QDI C C Intrinsic drain charge.
QSI QSI C C Intrinsic source charge.
QBI QBI C C Intrinsic body charge.
QG QG C C Total gate charge.
QD QD C C Total drain charge.
QS QS C C Total source charge.
QB QB C C Total body charge.

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