3.22 Noise Models

Noise models in BSIM-CMG are based on BSIM4 [10]. Table 1 lists the origin of each noise model:

Table 1: Origin of noise models in BSIM-CMG

Model in BSIM-CMG 110.0.0 Origin
Flicker Noise Model BSIM4 Unified Model (FNOIMOD = 1)
Thermal Noise (TNOIMOD = 0) BSIM4 TNOIMOD = 0
Thermal Noise (TNOIMOD = 1) BSIM4 TNOIMOD = 2
Gate Current Shot Noise BSIM4 Gate Current Noise
Noise Associated with Parasitic Resistances BSIM4 Parasitic Resistance Noise


[10] BSIM4 model. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley.

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