3.12.2 Non-Saturation Effect

Some devices do not exhibit prominent or abrupt velocity saturation. The parameters A1 A1 and A2 A2 are used to tune this non-saturation effect to improve the Id,sat I_{d,sat} or gm,sat g_{m,sat} fitting.

T0=max[(A1(T)+A2(T)qia+2.0nKTq)Δqi2,1](3.391) T_0 = max \Bigg[ \Bigg( A1(T) + \dfrac{A2(T)}{q_{ia} + 2.0 \cdot \frac{nKT}{q}} \Bigg) \cdot \Delta q_i^2, -1 \Bigg] \qquad (3.391)

Nsat=1+1+T02(3.392) N_{sat} = \dfrac{1 + \sqrt{1 + T_0}}{2} \qquad (3.392)

Dvsat=DvsatNsat(3.393) D_{vsat} = D_{vsat} \cdot N_{sat} \qquad (3.393)

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