3.16.2 Gate-Induced-Drain/Source-Leakage Current

GIDL/GISL are calculated only for GIDLMOD=1 GIDLMOD = 1 .

T0=AGIDLiWeff0(VdsVgsEGIDLi+VfbsdϵratioEOT)PGIDLi×exp(ϵratioEOTBGIDL(T)VdsVgsEGIDLi+Vfbsd)×NFINtotal(3.507) \begin{aligned} T_0 &= AGIDL_i \cdot W_{eff0} \cdot \Bigg( \dfrac{V_{ds} - V_{gs} - EGIDL_i + V_{fbsd}}{\epsilon_{ratio} \cdot EOT} \Bigg)^{PGIDL_i} \\ & \times exp \Bigg( - \dfrac{\epsilon_{ratio} \cdot EOT \cdot BGIDL(T)}{V_{ds} - V_{gs} - EGIDL_i + V_{fbsd}} \Bigg) \times NFIN_{total} \end{aligned} \qquad (3.507)

Igidl={T0Vde3CGIDLi+Vde3for BULKMOD=1T0Vdsfor BULKMOD=0(3.508) I_{gidl} = \begin{cases} T_0 \cdot \dfrac{V_{de}^3}{CGIDL_i + V_{de}^3} &\text{for } BULKMOD = 1 \\ T_0 \cdot V_{ds} &\text{for } BULKMOD = 0 \end{cases} \qquad (3.508)

T1=AGISLiWeff0(VdsVgdEGISLi+VfbsdϵratioEOT)PGISLi×exp(ϵratioEOTBGISL(T)VdsVgdEGISLi+Vfbsd)×NFINtotal(3.509) \begin{aligned} T_1 &= AGISL_i \cdot W_{eff0} \cdot \Bigg( \dfrac{-V_{ds} - V_{gd} - EGISL_i + V_{fbsd}}{\epsilon_{ratio} \cdot EOT} \Bigg)^{PGISL_i} \\ & \times exp \Bigg( - \dfrac{\epsilon_{ratio} \cdot EOT \cdot BGISL(T)}{-V_{ds} - V_{gd} - EGISL_i + V_{fbsd}} \Bigg) \times NFIN_{total} \end{aligned} \qquad (3.509)

Igisl={T1Vse3CGISLi+Vse3for BULKMOD=1T1Vsdfor BULKMOD=0(3.510) I_{gisl} = \begin{cases} T_1 \cdot \dfrac{V_{se}^3}{CGISL_i + V_{se}^3} &\text{for } BULKMOD = 1 \\ T_1 \cdot V_{sd} &\text{for } BULKMOD = 0 \end{cases} \qquad (3.510)

Note: For Vde V_{de} or Vse0 V_{se} \le 0 , GIDL/GISL current is zero [15], where Vde V_{de} and Vse V_{se} are the drain-to-channel, source-to-channel voltages.


[15] T. Y. Chan, J. Chen, P. K. Ko, and C. Hu, "The impact of gate-induced drain leakage current on MOSFET scaling," in IEDM Technical Digest, 1987, pp. 718-721.

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