3.15.6 Fringe Capacitances and Capacitance Model Selectors

The fringing capacitance consists of a bias-independent outer fringing capacitance and a bias-dependent inner fringing capacitance. Only the bias-independent outer fringing capacitance is modeled.

BSIM-CMG offers 3 models for the outer fringe capacitance, selected by CGEOMOD CGEOMOD :

For CGEOMOD=0 CGEOMOD = 0 , the fringe and overlap capacitances are proportional to the number of fins and the effective width. The fringe capacitances is given by:

Cgs,fr=NFINtotalWeff,CV0CFSi(3.486) C_{gs,fr} = NFIN_{total} \cdot W_{eff,CV0} \cdot CFS_i \qquad (3.486)

Cgd,fr=NFINtotalWeff,CV0CFDi(3.487) C_{gd,fr} = NFIN_{total} \cdot W_{eff,CV0} \cdot CFD_i \qquad (3.487)

Figure 7 illustrates the parasitic resistance and capacitance network used for CGEOMOD=0 CGEOMOD = 0 .

Figure 7

Figure 7: R-C network for CGEOMOD=0 CGEOMOD = 0 , NQSMOD=1 NQSMOD = 1 , and RGATEMOD=1 RGATEMOD = 1 . If NQSMOD NQSMOD or RGATEMOD RGATEMOD is 0, then the corresponding resistances become 0 and the nodes collapse.

In some multi-gate applications the parasitic capacitances are not directly proportional to the width of the device. BSIM-CMG offers CGEOMOD=1 CGEOMOD = 1 so that the fringe and overlap capacitance values can be directly specified without assuming any width dependencies. The simple expressions for fringe and overlap capacitances in CGEOMOD=1 CGEOMOD = 1 are:

Cgs,ov=COVSi(3.488) C_{gs,ov} = COVS_i \qquad (3.488)

Cgd,ov=COVDi(3.489) C_{gd,ov} = COVD_i \qquad (3.489)

Cgs,fr=CGSP(3.490) C_{gs,fr} = CGSP \qquad (3.490)

Cgd,fr=CGDP(3.491) C_{gd,fr} = CGDP \qquad (3.491)

Note: The switch CGEO1SW CGEO1SW can be used to enable the parameters COVS COVS , COVD COVD , CGSP CGSP , and CGDP CGDP to be in F per fin, per gate-finger, per unit channel width.

The parasitic resistance and capacitance network for CGEOMOD=1 CGEOMOD = 1 is illustrated in Fig. 8.

Figure 8

Figure 8: R-C network for CGEOMOD=1 CGEOMOD = 1 , NQSMOD=1 NQSMOD = 1 , and RGATEMOD=1 RGATEMOD = 1 . If NQSMOD NQSMOD or RGATEMOD RGATEMOD is 0, then the corresponding resistances become 0 and the nodes collapse.

If CGEOMOD=2 CGEOMOD = 2 , an outer fringe capacitance model for variability modeling which address the complex dependencies on the FinFET geometry will be invoked. RGEOMOD=1 RGEOMOD = 1 and CGEOMOD=2 CGEOMOD = 2 share the same set of input parameters and can be used at the same time. Both models are derived based on the FinFET structure (single-fin or multi-fin with merged source/drain).

In CGEOMOD=2 CGEOMOD = 2 the fringe capacitance is partitioned into a top component, a corner component and a side component (Fig. 9). The top and side components are calculated based on a 2-D fringe capacitance model, which has been derived and calibrated to numerical simulation in [14]. The corner component is calculated based on the formula of parallel plate capacitors.

Cfr,top=Cfringe,2D(Hg,Hrsd,LRSD)×TFIN×NFIN(3.492) C_{fr,top} = C_{fringe,2D}(H_g, H_{rsd}, LRSD) \times TFIN \times NFIN \qquad (3.492)

Cfr,side=2×Cfringe,2D(Wg,Trsd,LRSD)×HFIN×NFIN(3.493) C_{fr,side} = 2 \times C_{fringe,2D}(W_g, T_{rsd}, LRSD) \times HFIN \times NFIN \qquad (3.493)

Ccorner=ϵspLSP[Acorner×NFIN+ARSDEND+ASILIEND](3.494) C_{corner} = \dfrac{\epsilon_{sp}}{LSP} \cdot [A_{corner} \times NFIN + ARSDEND + ASILIEND] \qquad (3.494)


Hg=TGATE+TMASK(3.495) H_g = TGATE + TMASK \qquad (3.495)

Trsd=12(FPITCHTFIN)(3.496) T_{rsd} = \dfrac{1}{2} (FPITCH - TFIN) \qquad (3.496)

Wg=TrsdTOXP(3.497) W_g = T_{rsd} - TOXP \qquad (3.497)

Hrsd=HEPI+TSILI(3.498) H_{rsd} = HEPI + TSILI \qquad (3.498)

ARSDEND ARSDEND and ASILIEND ASILIEND are the additional area of silicon and silicide, respectively, at the two ends of a multi-fin FinFET.

The three components are summed up to give the total fringe capacitance. Several fitting parameters are added to aid fitting. The final expression is:

Cfr,geo=(Ccorner+Cfr,top+CGEOECfr,side)×NF×[CGEOA+CGEOBTFIN+CGEOCFPITCH+CGEODLRSD] \begin{aligned} C_{fr,geo} &= (C_{corner} + C_{fr,top} + CGEOE \cdot C_{fr,side}) \times NF \times \\ &[CGEOA + CGEOB \cdot TFIN + CGEOC \cdot FPITCH + CGEOD \cdot LRSD] \end{aligned}

(3.499) (3.499)

Figure 9

Figure 9: Illustration of top, corner and side components of the outer fringe capacitance.

For the case of TMASK>0 TMASK > 0 the fringe capacitances are calculated a little differently, since the 2D model is valid only for a thin Tox T_{ox} . Ccorner C_{corner} is set to 0. Cfr,top C_{fr,top} is proportional to FPITCH FPITCH and is given by

Cfr,top=[3.467×1011ln(EPSRSP1073.9LSP)+0.942HrsdϵspLSP]×[TFIN+(FPITCHTFIN)CRATIO]NFIN \begin{aligned} C_{fr,top} &= \Bigg[ 3.467 \times 10^{-11} \cdot ln \Bigg( \dfrac{EPSRSP \cdot 10^{-7}}{3.9 \cdot LSP} \Bigg) + 0.942 \cdot H_{rsd} \cdot \dfrac{\epsilon_{sp}}{LSP} \Bigg] \times \\ &[TFIN + (FPITCH - TFIN) \cdot CRATIO] \cdot NFIN \end{aligned}

(3.500) (3.500)

The RC network has the same topology as CGEOMOD=0 CGEOMOD = 0 .

And finally,

Cds,fr=CDSP C_{ds,fr} = CDSP



[14] W.-M. Lin, F. Li, D. D. Lu, A. M. Niknejad, and C. Hu, "A Compact Fringe Capacitance Model for FinFETs," unpublished.

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