3.14.5 Surface Potential Evaluation

For GEOMOD3 GEOMOD \ne 3 , the simplified surface potential calculation is used with Vgsfbeff,acc V_{gsfbeff,acc} , F1,acc F_{1,acc} and r1,acc r_{1,acc} calculated above together with r2=0 r_2 = 0 , Vch=0 V_{ch} = 0 . Then the normalized charge is evaluated the following way:

qi,acc=Vgsfbeff,acc2kTq[ln(β)ln(cos(β))+F1,acc](3.345) q_{i,acc} = V_{gsfbeff,acc} - \dfrac{2kT}{q} [ln (\beta) - ln (cos(\beta)) + F_{1,acc}] \qquad (3.345)

Similarly for GEOMOD=3 GEOMOD = 3 , the surface potential calculations are performed with Vgsfbeff,acc V_{gsfbeff,acc} and r1,acc r_{1,acc} , with r2 r_2 and Vch V_{ch} both set to 0. The normalized charge in this case is give by,

qi,acc=q0,accg(3.410) q_{i,acc} = q_{0,acc} \cdot g \qquad (3.410)

It may be noted here that qi,acc=0 q_{i,acc} = 0 if CAPMOD=0 CAPMOD = 0 or BULKMOD=0 BULKMOD = 0 .

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