3.18.1 Gate Resistance Model

NQS effects for NQSMOD=1 NQSMOD = 1 is modeled through an effective intrinsic input resistance, Rii R_{ii} [16]. This would introduce a gate node in between the intrinsic gate and the physical gate electrode resistance (RGATEMOD RGATEMOD ). This node collapses to the intrinsic gate if the user turns off this model.

IdovVds=μ0(T)CoxWeffLeffqiaMocDvsat(3.540) I_{dovVds} = \mu_0(T) \cdot C_{ox} \cdot \dfrac{W_{eff}}{L_{eff}} \cdot q_{ia} \cdot \dfrac{M_{oc}}{D_{vsat}} \qquad (3.540)

1Rii=NFNFINXRCRG1i(IdovVds+XRCRG2iμeffCoxeWeffkTqLeff) \dfrac{1}{R_{ii}} = NF \cdot NFIN \cdot XRCRG1_i \cdot \Bigg( I_{dovVds} + XRCRG2_i \cdot \dfrac{\mu_{eff} \cdot C_{oxe} \cdot W_{eff} \cdot kT}{q \cdot L_{eff}} \Bigg)

(3.541) (3.541)


[16] X. Jin, J.-J. Ou, C.-H. Chen, W. Liu, M. J. Deen, P. R. Gray, and C. Hu, "An Effective Gate Resistance Model for CMOS RF and Noise Modeling," in IEDM Technical Digest, 1998, p. 961.

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