3.12.1 Current Degradation Due to Velocity Saturation

The following formulation models the current degradation factor due to velocity saturation in the linear region. It is adopted from the BSIM5 model [7], [8].

Esat1=2VSAT1aDmobμ0(T)(3.388) E_{sat1} = \dfrac{2 \cdot VSAT1_a \cdot D_{mob}}{\mu_0(T)} \qquad (3.388)

δvsat=DELTAVSATi(3.389) \delta_{vsat} = DELTAVSAT_i \qquad (3.389)

Dvsat=1+[δvsat+(ΔqiEsat1Leff)PSAT(L)]1PSAT(L)1+(δvsat)1PSAT(L)+12PTWGaqiaΔqi2(3.390) D_{vsat} = \dfrac{1 + \Big[ \delta_{vsat} + \Big( \frac{\Delta q_i}{E_{sat1} L_{eff}} \Big)^{PSAT(L)} \Big]^{\frac{1}{PSAT(L)}} }{1 + ( \delta_{vsat})^{\frac{1}{PSAT(L)}}} + \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot PTWG_a \cdot q_{ia} \cdot \Delta q_i^2 \qquad (3.390)


[7] J. He, J. Xi, M. Chan, H. Wan, M. Dunga, B. Heydari, A. M. Niknejad, and C. Hu, "Charge-Based Core and the Model Architecture of BSIM5," in International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2005, pp. 96-101.

[8] BSIM5.0.0 MOSFET Model, BSIM Group, The Regents of the University of California, February 2005.

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