3.18.2 Charge Deficit Model
The charge-deficit model from BSIM4 has been adopted here [10]. Based on a relaxation time approach, the deficient charge (equilibrium quasi-static charge minus the instantaneous channel charge) is kept track through a RC sub-circuit [17]. An extra node whose voltage is equal to the deficient charge is introduced for this purpose. The instantaneous channel charge that is obtained from the self-consistent solution of the MOSFET and RC sub-circuit is then split between the source and drain using a partition ratio () calculated from the quasi-static charges. A capacitance of 1 Farad is used for this purpose, while the resistance is given by the inverse of the relaxation time constant, .
Figure 10: RC network for calculating deficient charge and the instantaneous charge, is used in place of the quasi-static charges. [17]
[10] BSIM4 model. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley.
[17] M. Chan, K. Y. Hui, C. Hu, and P. K. Ko, "A robust and physical BSIM3 non-quasi-static transient and AC small-signal model for circuit simulation," IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 834-841, April 1998.